Works at: Seoul Art Space_GeumCheon
Stays in: 2011
Genre: Photography/Installation
1997-1999 College of Photography, Vienna (AT)
2000-2001 School for Artistic Photography/ Friedl Kubelka
2001-2006 University of Applied Arts Vienna/ G Rothemann
2006 Diploma, University of Applied Arts, Vienna
Exhibitions (Selection)
2013 Skulptur, Camera Austria, Graz (AT)
Fragile, Bawag Contemporary, Vienna (AT)
AO& 776 Series Portraits and Interviews, Vienna
Parallel Vienna 2013
Lenin:Icebreaker, L E V E Gallery, Moscow (RUS)
Lenin:Icebreaker, 5th Moscow Biennale, Murmansk (RUS)
T/Here, Le Quartier, Berlin (DE)
D R D E D V ,SUPER, Vienna
Fotgrafi i fokus, CirkulationsCentralen, Malmö (SE)
Upcoming, Galerie Goldener Engl, Hall i T (AT)
Die Chic Boutique, Chicago (US)
2012 Die Biographie der Bilder II, Halle 14 Spinnerei Leipzig (DE)
255K 20 J Galerie im Andechshof, Stadtmuseum Innsbruck (AT)
Erika Hock - Rehearsal, Cosar HMT, Düsseldorf (DE)
Die Biographie der Bilder, Camera Austria, Graz
Skulpturengarten Kritzendorf (AT)
Spaces and Faces, DieAusstellungsstraße, Vienna
Auf Umwegen ins Paradies, Donaufestival Krems (AT)
Sites of Desire(solo), Factory Kunsthalle Krems
Mushrooming, Fotogalerie Wien, Vienna
Happily Ever After, Fotoraum, Vienna
Domestic Sculpture Garden(solo), Traklhaus Salzburg (AT)
2011 Protention, Baylors&Diamond, London (UK)
Ephemeral, Flat1, Vienna
Auf steiler Welle, ReMap3, Athens (GR)
Trunkenes Frachtschiff, IdKdK, Fluc Vienna
ART fresh, Seoul Art Space Geumcheon, Seoul (KR)
Domestic Sculpture Garden(solo), 308at156, NYC (US)
Go West, Kunstvilla Bregenz (AT)
The Sociological Imagination of the City,
Geumcheon Art Space, Seoul
Janz and Cooper, Harvey Nichols, London
2010 don´t give up(solo), Past Vyner Street, London
Exotic Strings , Book Launch, Magazin Vienna
Tina b , Festival of Contemporary Art, Prague (CZ)
Wall to Wall, Wrexham Rd , London
RLB-Arts Award 2010, Künstbrücke, Innsbruck
Talented?, PerformIC, Innsbruck
Exotic Strings(solo), Stadttrum Gallery, Innsbruck
Konrad I, Julia Stoschek Collection, Düsseldorf
Woodworks(solo), The Grand Chelsea, NYC
2009 Blind Spot, X-Initiative, NYC
Number Three: Here and Now,
Julia Stoschek Collection, Düsseldorf
Performance Inferno, Infernoesque, Berlin
Conflicts, Tammerburg Lienz (AT)
The Hole, The Grand Chelsea, NYC
Creative Migration, ACF NYC
2008 Mutations II, MUSA, Vienna
Viennabiennale 08, Vienna
Luring into, Heiligenkreuzerhof, Vienna
Zeitraumzeit, Künstlerhaus, Vienna
13th Biennale of Young Artists, Bari (IT)
Displace, Frauenmuseum Bonn (DE)
Aesthetics and Sience, Academy of Sience, Vienna
Vertrauenssache, FO KU S, Innsbruck
Bilder der Wissenschaft, FWF, Vienna
2007 Displace, Fotohof Salzburg, Salzburg (AT)
Time to Fly(solo), Startgalerie MUSA Vienna
ich gegenüber, ACF Berlin
Bullshit II, Schauspielhaus Graz (AT)
A Minor Revival(solo), Andechshof Gallery, Innsbruck
2006 That´s a Pretty , pjs Kunsthalle, Vienna
Franz jagt Urselbein, Kaiserstraße Gallery, Vienna
Société de Nations, Circuit, Lausanne (CH)
The Essence, MAK, Vienna
RLB-Arts Art Award, Innsbruck
40 x 40, UdK Berlin
2005 Park in Progress, Les Pèpiniéres Paris (FR)
Fine Arts, Academy Münster (DE)
Never let them see you sweat, KIK, Friedrichshafen
Die Grenzen meiner Sprache, Kunst Vorarlberg (AT)
2004 Rien ne va plus, Heiligenkreuzerhof Vienna
Facing, Gallery Westlicht Vienna
2003 48h, Christine König Galerie Vienna
Awards/ Grants
2013 AiR Art Institute Chicago, Arts & Culture Lower Austria
2011 Subsidy Award for Contemporary Art, Province of Tyrol
AiR Geumcheon Seoul, Arts Council Rep of South Korea
2009/10 AiR New York, bm:ukk Austria
2008 National Grant for Artistic Photography, bm:ukk
2007 Josef Franz Würlinger Art Award
2006 Art Award Kunsthalle Vienna
RLB-Arts Subsidy Award
2004 AiR Paliano (I), Province of Tyrol
Grant by Emanuel and Sophie Fohn Foundation
2012 Domestic Sculpture Garden, Edition Fotohof
2010 Exotic Strings a Compilation, Verlag für moderne Kunst
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Fold; Installtionview Wrexham Road |
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Ornamental, Innerberg (2089); Installtionview Kuranstalt |
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don´t give up; Installationview Past Vyner Street (Installation; copper pipes, dimensions variable, 2010) |