Power Station of Creativity Project
① Exhibition Information
▶ Event Name : Power Station of Creativity Project’s Pilot Program-‘The Evolution of Play’
▶ Date/Time : 10.1(Wednesday)~10.15(Wednesday) 10 a.m~8 p.m.
※ Opening Day : 5 p.m.~8 p.m., closed Monday, opened on the National Foundation Day (10.3), Hangul Proclamation Day (10.9)
▶ Venue : Seoul Citizens Hall (City Hall station, exit 4, B1 of New Seoul City Hall Complex)
▶ Admission is free
▶ Inquiry : 02)807~4800
② Opening Ceremony Timetable
1) Opening 17:00~17:10
1. Guests introduction
2. Opening address (The Seoul Foundation for Arts Culture CEO Cho Sun Hee)
2) 5 minute presentations of 5 artist teams 17:10~17:40
① Haru ji ② HYBE ③ Kang Yoo Jin+Lee Su Yeon ④ 464 ⑤ Kim Eun Soo
3) Hand pan percussion performance (played by Jin Sung Eun) 17:40~18:00
Hand pan was made in Europe, and the only hand pan in Korea would be played with the various musics. You can appreciate very exciting fusion percussion performance. After performer Jin Sung Eun went onto star on “ten million won, the lid of a kettle” of "Star King", an SBS variety show (host Kang Ho-dong) in June last year, she has became the talk of the town by top ranking in internet searching in real time. You can experience the play with the more upgraded fusion form.
③ Artists and Artworks Introduction
1) Haru ji
(Artificial Nature)
If audiences touch the sand in person and intervene to change the form of the landscape, the programmed projection would be changed depending on the height of the sand. And then virtual creatures would die or grow in response to the movements. Audiences can perceive what change is being made during the exhibition.
If audiences write their messages into the touch board, that messages become the leaves through the operation of the artwork. And then, the leaves of messages which were inserted before by other audiences begin to fall. This is interactive media artwork which could be connected and responsive to someone through messages.
3) Kang Yoo Jin+Lee Su Yeon
Sound of Breath
If audiences breathe on the certain equipment in front of them, the copper pipes begin to move by the wind, and they could hear the sounds through its moving vibration. That movements vary according to the tones of the winds.
4) 464
(Augmented Pinball)
Because this artwork is made according to the principles of pinball, and a virtual ball and the barrier device of the original pinball game are fused into one, audiences could enjoy the game in person. Adults can feel analog sentiments once again by this artwork, and children can enjoy the visualized arts come from the simple game with synesthesia.
5) Kim Eun Soo
If the images begins to appear on many strings installed in the dark alley, the dynamics of that images are adjusted to the distance with the audiences. As a result, they can have unusual experience which a dark alley is transformed into a amusing place.
If audiences touch the sand in person and intervene to change the form of the landscape, the programmed projection would be changed depending on the height of the sand. And then virtual creatures would die or grow in response to the movements. Audiences can perceive what change is being made during the exhibition.

If audiences write their messages into the touch board, that messages become the leaves through the operation of the artwork. And then, the leaves of messages which were inserted before by other audiences begin to fall. This is interactive media artwork which could be connected and responsive to someone through messages.
3) Kang Yoo Jin+Lee Su Yeon

Sound of Breath
If audiences breathe on the certain equipment in front of them, the copper pipes begin to move by the wind, and they could hear the sounds through its moving vibration. That movements vary according to the tones of the winds.
4) 464

(Augmented Pinball)
Because this artwork is made according to the principles of pinball, and a virtual ball and the barrier device of the original pinball game are fused into one, audiences could enjoy the game in person. Adults can feel analog sentiments once again by this artwork, and children can enjoy the visualized arts come from the simple game with synesthesia.
5) Kim Eun Soo
If the images begins to appear on many strings installed in the dark alley, the dynamics of that images are adjusted to the distance with the audiences. As a result, they can have unusual experience which a dark alley is transformed into a amusing place.
<Power Station of Creativity-Introduction>
Geumcheon Art Factory (affiliated with the Seoul Foundation for Arts Culture : CEO Cho Sun Hee) will host <The Evolution of Play : Power Station of Creativity Project>’s pilot program at Seoul Citizens Hall (B1 of New City Hall Complex) from October 1st (Wednesday).
This exhibition is the first pilot program of <Power Station of Creativity Project> which was planned and promoted as a long-term goal from 2013 by the Seoul Metropolitan Government.
This program is launched to make our place where we live into the more sensitive and lively by improving the quality of citizen’s life through solving the daily life’s problems. <Power Station of Creativity> aims for creative cultural activities led not by specialists, but by citizens within the city’s life zone that is populated by almost 10 million people.
Geumchon Art Factory has operated a test-run of ‘Art & Play Lab’ section of <Power Station of Creativity> for the first time in 2014.
Geumchon Art Factory has accumulated the experience connecting between art and technology, specialists and civil sectors through promoting ‘Da Vinci Idea Contest’ project which has supported the creative ideas fusing art and industry together for 5 years.
The ‘Art & Play Lab’ is made for development of play contents which amused children with imagination of art, excitement of technology. Fortunately, the audiences can appreciate all the works which could give life to the alley passing by every day, stop for a while and feel the motion and sound of the winds. And there will be artworks in the exhibition which exchange the messages among the audiences to console much grief around us recently.
There will be the 5 interactive media works incorporating the various media technologies which the audiences can touch and experience in person at the exhibition. (<Power Station of Creativity Project’s Pilot Program-‘The Evolution of Play’>, 10.1(Wed.)~10.15(Wed.))
Among these works, the two opening works are worthy of note. One is Haru-ji’s work which develops a media technology into a sensuous play and make audiences breed personally the virtual creatures living on the sands. The other is HYBE’s work which show a tree of dropping the audiences’ messages. These works will be on display for 6 months at Seoul Citizens Hall after the exhibition ends.
The artists of this exhibition shared the citizens’ ideas from the brainstorming step to production and display. The 5 ideas got a pass in the contest and screening, and these was made into the artworks. In the process, the artists have accepted the citizens’ ideas from the workshops in which all walks of life took part. And they did not choose the traditional galleries. Instead, they selected Seoul Citizens Hall with easy access to be more open to the public.
<Opening Ceremony>
There will be ‘5 minute presentations of 5 artist teams’ event on the opening ceremony.(10.1. Wed.) In the event, they will introduce their process of production to the citizens. Here, each artist will talk about the motivation, the technological difficulties in the process of realizing the ideas, and the artwork’s transformation in the middle of production by accepting the citizens’ opinions. It will be a good chance for the citizens to understand media art works more easily and look into the process of creating artworks.
<Exhibition Works>
Audiences can participate in the evolutionary process of the artificial organism by changing the mountain (made of sand) shapes or shadows in Haru-ji’ <Artificial Nature : Sand-Island-Life>. The artist has accepted the citizens’ opinions in the process of producing the artworks based on the various technologies and ideas such as science, biology and computer operation. And the audiences have a pleasant experience from the formation process of the artificial ecosystem.
In the case of HYBE’s <Leaf>, if audiences write their messages into the touch board in front of the tree, that messages become the leaves through the printer on the end of the tree branch. And then, the leaves of messages which were inserted before by other audiences begin to fall. As a result, audiences feel connected with someone by reading the messages of other people.
Kim eun soo’s <Lines> was motivated by the artist’s hope that the dark alley would be considered to be a totally unfamiliar place to the people who pass by every day. As the images appear on the rotating strings in the dark alley, the hallucination of images would make the alley familiar to the people a unfamiliar place.
<Sound of Breath> of Kang Yoo Jin+Lee Soo Yoen make the audiences feel the winds of the nature with synaesthetically (=with multi-simultaneous senses). If audiences breathe on the input device, the pipes made by copper and woods begin to move and sound. In the course, they feel the winds through the three senses. (that is, sight, hearing, and touch) Thanks to this, the busy city dwellers could have a breathing space.
464’s <Augmented Pinball> is the work into which visual images and the barrier devices of pinball games are fused. This was designed by reinterpreting the works of the abstract artist Kandinsky. audiences personally play with the pinball board into which the virtual pin balls and the real barrier devices of the games are combined. In the process, they find enjoyment in coming and going between actuality and virtual reality.
<Souvenirs are offered to the people participating in the exhibition.>
* 100 citizens will be invited as a civil evaluation team
Because it is important for citizens to take part in the exhibition, this event will invite 100 people as a civil evaluation team. Here, the 5 artists will present their artworks and listen to the opinions of citizens. If desired, please, apply for the team through the homepage or face book of the Seoul Foundation for Arts Culture. And we will begin to take applications from September 16th (Tue), and first come, first served.
The Hompage of the Seoul Foundation for Arts Culture.
face book www.facebook.com/sangsang2014
* It also plans to present the official souvenirs to the people who register in advance (first come, first served, too.)
The souvenir kits will be presented to 100 people who register in advance for the participating in the opening ceremony. The souvenirs are such as the eco-bags, three kinds of badges, and stickers. The pre-registration will begin on September 19th and end on September 28th.
First come, first served, too.
face book www.facebook.com/sangsang2014
* If you put your smart phone on the artworks, you will have it on hand!
This service provide the information about the artworks in real time with the use of the internet of things (IoT) and is supported by ‘Benple’. If audiences put their smart phones (the models of using NFC), they could access directly the information about the artists and artworks of <Power Station of Creativity Project>. And audiences can also upload the photos about the exhibition and write the reviews about it on the homepage in real time. We will present the souvenir kits only to 100 people-first come, first served-who upload the photos and reviews on the face book. The kits are made of the eco-bags, three kinds of badges, and stickers.
* Stamp and enjoy the artworks!
The stamps of the 5 artworks will be placed in front of the exhibition works, and thanks to this, audiences will have more fun. In addition, if they gather the stamps of the 5 works, they can have several souvenirs in the exhibition.