Vicente Vazquez and Usue Arrieta have been working together since 2003. Together they have developed a multidisciplinary body of work based on the redefinition of social spaces that determine the political, ideological and economic contexts of everyday life. Their work attempts to establish approaches to the collectiveness.
Vicente Vázquez and Usue Arrieta -weareQQ-
have spent several years watching what people do in their spare time. They have
shown interest in sports, mechanical engineering, kinetics, formation of groups
and geographical features. They use their research to blur categories such as
nature or culture, notions as identity and territory and pairs as work and
leisure, in which distrust. Together they have developed a multidisciplinary body
of work that focuses on human activities. They understand their practice as a
way to investigate and test the possibilities of the collective. In their work,
whether in film sequences, text, slide shows or other devices they try to
reformulate present images of the social.