Born in Seoul, 1980
Visual artist
2008 Rietveld academy, Amsterdam Textile design
2003 Artez art academy, Arnhem Fine art
2003 Artez art academy, Arnhem Fine art
Selected Group Exhibition 2011 Light event, park Schiedam the Netherlands, Installation: The whale inside you
The Sociological Imagination of the City, Seoul Art Space GEUMCHEON, Seoul, Korea
2010 gallery Dynamo-expo, Enschede the Netherlands, Installation: Flexure
2009 gallery Tettem2, Enschede the Netherlands Installation: Bed
2006 gallery de Moutfabriek, Wageningen the Netherlands, Installation: Air, Instalation: Corridor
The Sociological Imagination of the City, Seoul Art Space GEUMCHEON, Seoul, Korea
2010 gallery Dynamo-expo, Enschede the Netherlands, Installation: Flexure
2009 gallery Tettem2, Enschede the Netherlands Installation: Bed
2006 gallery de Moutfabriek, Wageningen the Netherlands, Installation: Air, Instalation: Corridor
Award2005 Start stipend, Government Utrecht Project grant
Starters stipend,BKVB(Fund for Visual art and Architecture),Amsterdam,
Starters stipend,BKVB(Fund for Visual art and Architecture),Amsterdam,
living stipend
Theatre project:
2003 till now several theatre projects costume designer, set designer
2003 till now several theatre projects costume designer, set designer
Residency2011 Seoul Art Space GEUMCHEON 2nd-term residency artist, Seoul, Korea
I would like to explore the concepts of time, space and language. My own personal experiences are more important then a scientific approach. I create art that exists between the 2 and 3 dimensional: a drawing or pattern in free space. Since my study in textile design I use knitting and textile techniques to create my work. To me the apparent contrast of making a ‘flat’ drawing in a 3D space equals the simplicity of the concept of time, space and language. At present I produce patterns by scanning 3D objects. The tangible shapes are spatial installations made on and for their specific place.