Application Guideline for 3rd Resident Artists
at Seoul Art Space_GEUMCHEON in 2011
○ Application Title: Invitation to 3rd Resident Artists at Seoul Art Space_GEUMCHEON in 2011
○ Application Period: Friday, 01 July ~ Friday, 29 July 2011
○ Application Field: Visual Artist (Korean /International) and Reporter, Curator, Critic (International)
○ Residency: 1. Artist (the whole fields of visual arts such as painting, installation, video, photograph)
※ select field of researching city with 2~3 persons team
2. Reporter, Curator or Critic in Visual Arts (International)
○ Residency Period
- Korean
‣ Artist: 1 year (01 September 2011 ~ 31 August 2012)
- International
‣ Artist: 4 months (a. 01 January 2012 ~ 30 April 2012 / b. 01 May 2012 ~ 31 August 2012)
‣ Reporter, Curator, Critic: monthly contract, overall 12 persons (01 September 2011 ~ 31
August 2012)
※ possible to reapply for 2nd Resident artist and short-term artist(May ~ June 2010, July ~ August 2010) at Seoul Art Space_GEUMCHEON (just one time to reapply consecutively)
○ Residency Facilities Vacant
- Korean
‣ Artist: 9 Rooms of Studio (9 persons/teams approximately)
- International
‣ Artist: 7 Rooms of Studio (7 persons/teams approximately)
‣ Reporter, Curator, Critic: 1 Room of Studio (12 persons approximately)
○ Supports details
- Common supported both for Korean and International
1) Studio (1 room for 1 person/team usually)
2) Able to participate in the program at Seoul Art Space_GEUMCHEON
- Project exhibition, open studio, workshop, presentation and etc.
- Community art project, Italic, training program of sharing artistic talent etc.
3) Grant partially supported on exhibition at Seoul Art Space _GEUMCHEON
4) PR supported in Korean and international (like PR expenses of private exhibition)
5) Spaces and equipment using for Media Lab, large workspace, tool room, seminar room and
- Supports for Korean
Possible to apply exchanging programs with international artists (June 2011 at present: BankArt
1929, Hangar, Apexart, Gertrude)
- Supports for International
․ Financial aid for airplane ticket for one person (if it resided as a team, one of team members
would be supported)
․ Hostel provided (Single room for 1 person or team, double room for group)
․ exemption from space fee and hostel charge
○ How to Apply
- Application period: Friday, 01 July ~ Friday, 29 July 2011
※ Effective Application uploaded until midnight of 29 July
- How to apply: received by internet (through the Web hard)
2) ID: SASG3337 / Password: 7777
3) Create folder with naming applicant, and upload file
*In this webhard system, you can't make the folder in private.
After you upload application files in your folder with your name on it, I will make the folder in private and send you an email including password of your folder.
After you upload application files in your folder with your name on it, I will make the folder in private and send you an email including password of your folder.
○ Application materials
- The application forms downloaded on the official website of Seoul Art Space_GEUMCHEON can
be filled in and be submitted
- Application to residency, a Planning Statement for creation, an Experience of Artwork, a copy of
the Resident Registration (a copy of Passport for international, a copy of Permanent Residency
or equivalent official document for overseas Korean) and a copy of Portfolio.
* Application to residency and three other attached documents: Prescribed form (Application
packet downloadable)
1) Application to residency
2) Planning Statement for creation: Present detailed data to be verified the possibility of
realizing for creation after joining Seoul Art Space_GEUMCHEON
3) Experience for Artwork: document for experience in Korea or internationals for recent
three years (mainly result of Artwork or result related with Planning Statement in residency)
※ In case of group, Experience for Artwork of each group members will be submitted
4) List of group member: submitted in case of group
* a copy of the Resident Registration
‣ a copy of Passport for international artist, a copy of Permanent Residency or equivalent
official document for overseas Korean
‣ in case of group, a copy of the Resident Registration for all member of group will be
submitted on successful applicant
* a copy of Portfolio: file by PowerPoint
‣ including 20 images(with caption), articles or reports by mass media, critique, artist’s
note, or other documents for artworks(such as exhibition leaflets, cover of picture book
including images)
‣ Moving Image (media) artist could attach video file within 5 minutes with extension .avi
- Download Application Package
‣ Application form and guidelines can be downloaded at followed link below
○ Qualification for Applying
- Common both for Korean and International
‣ Individual or group not using, keeping or operating own studio or work space for creating
‣ Individual or group can join in Residency programs and international co-works
‣ Individual or group having interests to or plans to art projects with local inhabitant and
- International group having four or less artists (considering capacity of space at Seoul Art
- Overseas group having one or two artists (assuming double room at hostel)
- No application allowed
‣ Group or association having five or more artists (on overseas, group or association having
three or more artists)
‣ University student on the register (group included with student will be depended on
committee’s decision)
‣ Association composed of memberships
‣ Profit-making organization like commercial cooperate or private agency
‣ Society organized by school, religious or friendship group not having goal for genuine artwork
○ Obligation Duty
- Using space over 15 days per every months (evict on fail to meet the minimum)
- Joining actively in the program by Seoul Art Space_GEUMCHEON such as Open studio,
exhibition or presentations
- Doing local programs (planned by Seoul Art Space_GEUMCHEON or by artist himself)
- Paying monthly space and hostel fee (KRW 5,000/3.3 square meter per month) VAT excluded
* Overseas artist free space and hostel fee and hostel charge
- and keeping other regulations of Seoul Art Space_GEUMCHEON
○ Selection Process to Resident Artist
- 1st review: document screening
※ 2nd review is for candidates passed through 1st review, and overseas artists are free to be
reviewed the presentation
※ Candidates passed through 1st review are informed by e-mail and by phone individually
○ Schedule of evaluations and Announcement of Successful Applicants
- Review and Result
․ Announcement of 1st review result: Friday, 12 August 2011
․ 2nd review: Tuesday, 23 August 2011 ※ for Candidates passed 1st review
- Final Announcement of Successful Applicants: Monday, 29 August 2011
※ Actual schedule could be adjusted by evaluation conditions
○ Announcement of Successful Applicants
- Notice on the website of Seoul Art Space_GEUMCHEON and be informed individually
○ More information to Contact
- Seoul Art Space_GEUMCHEON: +82-(0)2-807-4138 and geumcheon3337@nate.com
* Application form and guidelines can be downloaded at followed link below
2011 SASG application form